Passport DC Set to Showcase Washington DC’s Diversity and Culture

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Passport DC is an annual event in Washington DC that celebrates the city’s international culture and heritage. It is set to take place in May, which is recognized as International Cultural Awareness Month in Washington. The month-long event of programming attracts thousands of visitors for a variety of activities, including embassy open houses, street festivals, performances, and more.

A notable highlight of Passport DC is the Around the World Embassy Tour, scheduled for Saturday, May 6, 2023, from 10am to 4pm. During this event, embassies and cultural centers from five continents will open their doors to visitors, providing them with a rare glimpse into their unique cultures, traditions, and cuisines. Visitors will have the chance to explore the embassies, interact with diplomats and representatives, and learn about the history and culture of various countries.

In addition to the Around the World Embassy Tour, Passport DC will offer other events throughout the month of May, including the popular European Union (EU) Open House on May13th, and Fiesta Asia on May 20th.

Courtesy of Washington DC History Culture

The events are free of charge, providing an excellent opportunity for families, individuals, and groups to participate and enjoy the festivities. Visitors  will also have the opportunity to obtain a passport and receive stamps as they visit various embassies and cultural centers throughout the city, providing a fun way  to travel and explore diverse cultures without having to board a plane or leave the city.

Passport DC is organized by Cultural Tourism DC and offers visitors a unique opportunity to experience the diversity and richness of the city’s international community. It is a testament to the city’s commitment to celebrating its rich cultural heritage and fostering cross-cultural understanding and appreciation.

For more information on Passport DC and its events, visit